Make a Donation to Coraopolis NAACP Branch
Donate to Coraopolis NAACP
Your donation to the NAACP helps further our mission to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. Donate today. our newest monthly sustainer.
Donate to Coraopolis NAACP Scholarship Fund
Education plays a vital role in a students future and with you donation, it can help students achieve their educational goals putting them on the road to success.
Donate to Coraopolis NAACP ACT-SO Program
ACT-SO is an acronym for Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics. Its mission is to recognize, prepare, and reward African-American youth who exemplify scholastic and artistic excellence.

*Donations to the NAACP are not tax-deductible.
“Contributions or gifts to the Coraopolis NAACP ACT-SO Unit that are less than $2,500.00 are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal Income Tax purposes however; they are deductible as an ordinary business expense.”
EIN: 87-1210939