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Short Story​

Prompt: Write a short story that explores a subject of your choice. Your story can be fictional or nonfictional, but it should express a personal view or interpretation of an issue or topic.




    a. Submit one notarized copy of your short story by March 20 deadline. Email to

    b. Each page must include your name, page number, unit name and number (Coraopolis NAACP #26AB-B) and the competition name. 


Story Guidelines:

    a. Length: 1500 - 3000 words

    b. Format: Typed, double spaced, Calibri or Times New Roman


            a. Single storyline

            b. No more than 3-4 characters

            c. Single point of view

            d. Short time frame


Oral Presentation:

      Be prepared to answer questions from the judges about your story. 



Contestants Will Be Judged by the Following Criteria:


• General Merit (25 pts)


  • Ideas - originality or a unique perspective (on an existing idea), single storyline, no subplots, short time frame

  • Organization and clarity - consistent writing style, mood/tone and space

  • Wording - strategic and intentional use of language (e.g., for expression, realism, authenticity, emphasis, cultural or social commentary)

  • Flavor - (author's) voice/perspective, style, depth/provocation, creativity. 


• Mechanics (25 pts)


  • Proper Usage;

  • Punctuation/Capitalization/Spelling;

  • Short story five elements: plot, setting, characters (3-4 max), effective implementation of POV (e.g., first person, third person, etc.)


• Overall Effect (50 pts)


              Minimal background, concise dialogue, no lengthy preamble,


              Natural ending achieving any (or all) of the following elements:

                       Plot alignment, authenticity, consistency, emotional resonance, reader satisfaction, surprise within expectations. 

Tips for Short Story Contestants:

Choose a topic you're passionate about. This will make the writing process more enjoyable and help you create a more compelling story.

Develop strong characters. Give your characters depth and complexity to make them more believable and relatable.

Create a vivid setting. Use descriptive language to transport your reader to another world.

Use strong language. Choose your words carefully to create the desired effect.

Edit and revise. Don't be afraid to rewrite and edit your work until it's perfect.

Proofread carefully. Check for errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Practice your presentation skills. Be prepared to answer questions about your story.

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